George and Buddy

Sunday’s meet and greet is George and his dog Bubby. Bubby is a German Shepherd who is approximately 3 and 1/2 years old. George’s daughter Jill and her twin children were living with George and wanted a puppy. George was hesitant but Jill and the children convinced George a puppy would be a great addition to the family. George did not favor the names the children picked. George decided to name the dog after one of the nicknames the children called each other, Bubby. Looking back George laughs and states he should have named him Killer!

George brings Bubby to the park every day. Sometimes two or three times a day. George enjoys socializing with the regular patrons of the park. He loves it when others play with his dog. Bubby loves frisbee. If you can get it away from him you’ve accomplished a lot! Bubby is tough but he’s also extremely gentle. George is retired from the Batavia State Police where he worked for 35 wonderful years. After retirement, he moved on to the federal courts downtown and worked another 10 years.

When asked what we could do to improve the dog park, he noted a splash pad would be great! George is proud of his grandchildren who attend college. He has to leave the park at a certain time as his daughter Jill RN comes home from work at a local hospital and Bubby sits on the lawn watching and waiting for her! Please shake his hand and toss a Frisbee or ball for George’s new best friend, Bubby!

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3 thoughts on “George and Buddy”

  1. Bridget Brown

    Such a staple at the dog park those two were. That really was both of their FAVORITE places recently, so no wonder he had to take Bubby one last time on Sunday ❤️ An inseparable pair. We all worry about Bubby now, but I just know our Bark Park family will rally behind him 😉

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