When I first saw this dog a few months back my heart just melted. This is a very kind, sweet, gentle, loving dog. Of course, I had to meet her parents! This is Tricia and Blane with their golden mix dog Biscuit.

Biscuit is two and a half years old. A friend of theirs volunteers for Open Arms Rescue. The friend sent a picture to them stating this dog just had puppies and they removed the puppies from her and they’re going to send this dog to a kill shelter. Blane saw the picture and saw her ear was slightly bent a little funny and he claimed, “It was love at first sight!” The friend had her brought up from Tennessee. Biscuit is afraid of the basement and dark places. It’s believed this is due to her unknown history.
Biscuit is legally certified as an emotional support animal (ESA). Tricia openly explains that she’s had issues with anxiety and at times the anxiety will give into a panic attack. Biscuit helps Tricia through this. Tricia recalls the day when she left the house to walk Biscuit. Two houses into the walk Biscuit stopped and turned to go home. Upon reaching the home Tricia had a panic attack. Biscuit sensed it was coming on and ensured her mom’s safety, getting her home.
Tricia uses running as a coping mechanism. She runs in several races a year. She is training Biscuit who can run 3 miles now with Tricia. Correction, except when there’s a squirrel sighting! Days when Tricia runs in the park, Blane will bring Biscuit to the dog park to people-dog watch. Biscuit will play but at the same time wait and watch for Tricia to come back to the park.
Blane owns a Harley named Ashley as Ashley came from Ashville! Blane enjoys bowling as well. They both feel the park needs more benches and a splash pad! Both want to volunteer for events for the park. In the evenings Biscuit lays in-between Tricia and Blane waiting for Blane’s belly rubs. This is when the bickering begins as Blane says Biscuit is his dog and Tricia states, nope my dog! Then they agree to share the love.