Sarah and Kona

Sarah and the family enjoy having Kona be a huge part of their family. Kona is 7 months old. Sarah knew in her heart she wanted another dog. One afternoon Sarah’s sister-in-law had shown pictures to Sarah of puppies that were available. Sarah decided she would go with her sister-in-law to look at them in person. When they arrived, Kona approached them and stayed with Sarah for about half an hour and then went on to Sarah’s daughter for the next half hour. As we all know, dogs will at times pick their owner. Kona knew what she was doing when she picked this family!

Sarah and the family enjoy skiing in the winter. Sarah is currently coaching her daughter’s soccer team. This is her first time at it and enjoys that as well. The family likes to go hiking in Allegheny and Spragbrook Park. Kona is a fan of hiking in Spragbrook. Kona’s first experience in the snow was this past Halloween. Kona had a difficult time trying to figure out where the grass went as she needed to relieve herself! Eventually, she figured it out!

On Halloween night Kona went downstairs and found the Halloween candy for the children. When the family went down there Kona had Smarties all over the place! And to this day that’s why we think she’s so smart!

Sarah has earned her PhD in chemistry and she works remotely from home for a pharmaceutical company. Her husband also works from home as a graphic designer. Sarah visits the park two or three times a week, weather depending. When asked about future aspirations for the dog park, she thought some type of splash pad would be good. She loves the dog park and she loves everybody’s dogs and is aware of how great it is for Kona to release her abundant energy.

Sarah is very happy to be helping us on our board and is willing to do volunteer work at events. Thank you Sarah for everything.

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