Tim and Dude

Tim and his little Buddy Dude! Dude is a 13-month-old mix of Chihuahua-Shetland Sheepdog! Tim had been viewing hundreds of dogs on Petfinder. Dude was listed with Allie &Pals Rescue. Upon seeing Dude, he felt Dude was too cute and even cuter in person.

Tim is an interesting individual. Besides Dude, he enjoys the companionship of his pet tarantula Bob! He had Hannibal for 19 years but she has since passed. Bob’s diet consists of mice and crickets! Tim is extremely involved in religion and is open to discussing the Bible, the Lord, and Jesus. Tim also gets a lot of pleasure out of playing online video games. His current favorite game is Eldon Ring. Tim is employed at Online Auto Connection. He is a dispatcher with 10 years of service under his belt.

Tim has been a help around the dog park with the water and garbage detail. He will do anything asked of him and will pitch in with chores he feels need to be done. Tim is very interested in helping with events at the dog park and is looking forward to a call about the meat raffle! Thanks, Tim for everything you do to help us.

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